sábado, 5 de julio de 2008

Get bigger pants ! !

Having spent a day at Wimbledon yesterday with Mrs Dang Do there is one image that is tatooed in my mind. Rafa Nadal picking his pants out of his arse! He does it before every single point. Its time for new pants Rafa, they are obviously too small. With all that money and sponsorship just ask Nike for a new pair the next size up, its not hard. And if its not a pants problem but an arse problem......go and see a doctor Rafa. Its embarrassing.

Great tennis though.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Rafa Power!

Piso Piloto dijo...

It may be the problem that he is wearing thong (tanga in spanish)to avoid underwear been shown through his white pants. Should not be very comfortable doing sport with this kind of underwear. So please ... Rafa wear dark trousers to play!

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